Paid Advertising Packages

Get a FREE Complete Business Listing on


Advertising Package I
  • Business card-sized Ad in Local Publication that goes out to 1000+ Jupiter residents every 2 months
  • Custom Banner Ad on (including Ad creation)

    Cost: $75 per publication run

    Nearly 20% the cost of postage stamps alone

Advertising Package II
  • Post card-sized Ad in Local Publication that goes out to 1000+ Jupiter residents every 2 months
  • Custom Banner Ad on Ad creation)

    Cost: $100 per publication run

    Nearly 27% the cost of postage stamps alone

Note:   Banner Ad will remain displayed on for the equivalent term as the ad term run in the local publication.

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Instructions for Registering on

  1. Open and click “Sign up”
  2. Enter your email address and password and click “Enter”
  3. You are automatically taken to the Member Center Screen where you can now go to the next section below for instructions on how to add your business listing


Note:  To login any other time, go to “Member Center” at the top navigation bar to get to the login screen.  Once there, input your email address (which is your user login name) and password and click “Enter” … leave the account number field blank.



Instructions for Adding a New Listing on


  1. Once you are logged into “Member Center” click “Listing Manager”
  2. This will open up the List Manager Screen
  3. Click “Add/Modify Listing”
  4. Select a category that best suites your type of business… there are also subcategories for further classification (if a category or classification is not listed, please let me know and we will get it up…
  5. Once you narrow down your category and/or subcategory, click on the “Add/Modify Listing” link
  6. Input your business information into the appropriate fields and click “Enter”
  7. That’s it -- your done…you will receive a confirmation email regarding your new listing with its category heading; save this information for future reference.



Instructions for Modifying a New Listing on

  1. Once you are logged into “Member Center” click “Listing Manager”
  2. This will open up the List Manager Screen
  3. Select your list number and click “Enter”
  4. Click “Add/Modify Listing”
  5. Above next to "Selected Category" you will see the current category name of where your business listing is located. If you would like to keep this same category, then simply click this category name link to edit your listing. Otherwise, if you would like to move your business listing to another category or subcategory, simply navigate to the desired new category and then select the “Add/Modify Listing” link to edit your listing in the new category.


Instructions for Enhancing an Original Pre-existing Listing on

  1. Once you are registered (as per above instructions) and logged into “Member Center
  2. You will notice an Account Number on the left hand side
  3. Email this account number along with your company name to
  4. The webmaster will forward you a confirmation email which will in-turn allow you to Modify your New Listing (as per above instructions)

 Best of luck and thank you for your participation




Link to Us

Copy and paste one of the HTML codes below into your website. Once added, let us know
where you placed it and you will receive a $10 discount from one of our Paid
Advertising Packages. Please contact for
assistance if needed. Thank you for linking. Network of Local Businesses

or - Jupiter's premier web-based business directory